Monday 31 October 2011

What is a Betta?

Bettas are actually Siamese fighting fishes which have have been affectionately named after their scientific name, Betta splendens. These thumb-sized freshwater tropical fishes are ancestors of their rice field-dwelling cousins but have since morphed from plain looking things into eye candies and dazzling floating pieces of jewel.

Due to its ancestry, bettas are able to thrive in low oxygen content waters with most owners rearing individuals without the need for external air supply. Like all aquatic creatures, providing a clean living environment and regular feeding goes a long way in its well-being and lifespan. The aggressive nature of bettas form a large part of its charm and as a result, have to be kept in separate tanks to prevent them from fighting for their territory, sometimes to the death. Harnessing this aggressive energy through regular flaring several times a day not only provides much viewing pleasure but also necessary exercise for your beloved pets.

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