Betta Terminology

Here are some terms commonly used in betta-speak that I shall illustrate and/or elaborate on for the benefit of all.

Betta Anatomy

Betta Behaviour

Flaring - The betta's act of aggression by extending its gills and fully spreading its fins to make itself appear larger against a neighbouring betta/object of interest.

Bubblenest building - Male bettas blow bubblenests as a sign of happiness/state of good health. Bubblenests indicate they are ready to mate. During the spawning act, the couple will place the eggs into the bubblenest to keep them as close to the surface where the oxygen supply is. The bubblenest also allows under 3 day old fries to remain close to the surface by lodging themselves in between the bubbles.

Wrapping (Embracing) - The act of mating bettas when the male wraps himself around the female in an embrace to induce her to release eggs as the male simultaneously releases sperm into the water.

Artificial hatching - Usually performed when the male is an egg-eater. After the pair is done spawning, remove both parents and lower the water level in the spawn tank till 1inch high. If possible, provide gentle aeration in one corner.

Tail shapes / Finnage: Please note that new tail shapes are constantly being generated every now and then, I will try to cover the more commonly known ones.

Halfmoon (HM) - The shape of the caudal fin forms a straight edged D shape. The caudal fin is seen to spread open to exactly 180°. Usually refers to long-tailed bettas if not accompanied by the usage of PK.

Over halfmoon (OHM) - The spread of the caudal exceeds 180°.

Double Tail (DT) - The caudal fin is made up of 2 halves. DT bettas usually exhibit wider dorsal and anal fins as compared to single tailed bettas.

Plakat (PK) - Short-finned bettas.

Crowntail (CT) - The edges of the betta's rays protrude out like a crown. 

Rosetail - Numerous branching exhibited on each ray to obtain a flowery, feathery, folding appearance on the betta fins.

Veiltail, Spadetail, Round tail

Dumbo (Big Ears) - Bettas exhibit huge flappy pectorals like an elephant's ears.

Colours and genetics: An overview of betta colour genetics known. Please note that new colour patterns and names for these patterns are constantly being reinvented or discovered but I will try to focus on the colours that have established lines.

Iridescence (Irids): Royal Blue, Turquoise, Steel Blue, Copper (from left to right)

Black, Opaque White, Cellophane (from left to right)

Red, Yellow, Orange (from left to right)

Masking: The body's scale colouration extends to cover the entire betta face like a mask. Usually refers to iridescent type bettas.

Butterfly (BF): Butterfies have coloured bodies with fins displaying a distinct banded pattern that encircles the fish. The inner band should be of the same colour as the body (the reverse in colour combination is known as Reverse-BF) and the bands should display strong contrast and well defined edges.

Marble (Fancy): The colours and patterns on marble bettas change with time.

AOC (Any Other Colour)/Fancy: Bettas that display 2 or more colours and do not fall in any of the above categories usually end up here.